Wednesday, March 5, 2025


I mean. It works because of your face. My face is different. My voice is different. Forty minutes ago. Okay. Let's try this again. There is that thing. I'm gonna turn your head around. About. A writer. Telling that writer something about itself. That it could never cognize. Supplying the writer a ultra demonic. This writer is looking in to three four five. I already tried this once. The bare amount of mark to make symbol. How many different could there be. Results in nine. That was another thing. This small point here. I wish I didn't remember. This point here. Why should I be remembering actual quotes of the writer while I am trying to explain something about how that writer was being placed into something that would double and quicken him. Ruining him. Because of a violation ideal. That you could just do better by doing the worst. In the second three word encounter I deliver to you the points. Soaking. Why did I practice that? I needed something for you. Over here. This is playing. I don't want to be doing this. But I'm not going to stop because I have to see what this had to do with transforming a writer into a violation pit. The fawn is the second thing. The boys hoping that what made this appropriate for me was that I didn't like I basically was just writing their votes on what how was. Cast and crew. Who? Fourth finger. So if you're looking at your own hand and you're trying to handle yourself if you crunch these fingers there is a recollection hope. An insult which increases. A speech that increases. I wish that this was that long. I'm gonna cut it off in the middle. We're gonna put them in a poem. We're gonna run it on the tiger. So we can hit that all that anime was bad for one fucking reason. I had to swallow my spit when I said that because I felt a little disgusted. Sleep. Grief. Doom sucks. It's not a good band. Maybe try Grief. Supplying a writer criticism. Is. Pointed. Cutting in. Look at the mirror. Why did Borges think that the finer. Was insulting. Why should. Lemmy Killmeister have to raise his hand like a little schoolboy. Slower. Each word. He'll. Return. This lazed. Horror. Who gives a shit. Bad men who want to make it to sixty one.  Afraid for how they knew they were going to make it to 89 if they could just convince an Indian princess that they were worthy. Of what they knew about their life. A hundred. Someone I actually respect in the punk scene. Someone who've had. Involved themselves in. Multiple. And. Had a good answer to why the LA punk scene sucks. Let's just light shit on fire. Let's burn the spot out every time. Every does a shitty little stupid stunt. Dumber than this was me trying to imagine that anyone who had. Access. Wave links. To. My pain. Boredom. Sleep. Why have you been selected for these things. Protagonist? Or is the writer. In this case. Savoring. Ruining. A neat box. Wed me. Why is it. When I start to. Say something true about my life. Half of you. Wish. Wish less. What I remember about. All of you. Pieces of shit. I fucking hate you. I fucking hate you. I fucking hate you. All of you. You are children. Like that was the fucking ultimate hostility that any human could receive. Me. Talking to. First graders. Because they needed to be smarter than. A second grader. The back end. Of a pencil. Like how gay do you want this. Like just. Think. Sweaty forehead. Think. What I said. About. The options available. Ya'll are getting the beauteous. Half of this is me speaking to you like. Adulthood encountered. Your livestock. The other half is. Your drinking. Milk. I'm not okay with you? Don't. Say. What you were fucking saying. The amount of frustration. I hope to. Receive. From. You. Motherfuckers. Cannot. Be as much as Is. Because just look at mom. Mm-mm. Just look at mm-mm-mm. What grade was it. Look at first grade. And see. I am gonna tell you. The whole story. In two minutes. Organically. Your little eyebrow thing. Is potent. Punishingly. Your observation. Is homing. On. Is anything occurring. Interestingly enough. Don't ever forget that. Oh. Me don't ever forget that? What thing. Will I remember. How can I possibly remember it. When all of you fucking idiots are. Fucking. Beating off on. Articles. Aspects. Of my own self. What answer do you fucking want from me? You want it. You want it. Whaa. It was always going to be this? Yeah. Get with it. You weren't fucking problems. Is that something you wanted to have happen happened? Yeah. Do you wanna meet David Milch? Do you wanna meet David Lindelof? Do you wanna meet Alan Moore? Did you want to meet Zak Smith? Did you want to meet. Fucking. Five whores from the punk scene. Did you want to meet. Nine hundred of them in Chinese. Did you want to meet. Kristen Stewarts'? Did you want to meet. Emmy Rossum? Did you want to meet. Some white girl? Did you want to meet. An American? Ugh. No. That's violating. That's violating. That's. Too much. A spy. What is a job? What is a job. One is. Your ears are going to stop working. Because. You. Met. Me. I'm gonna turn them into. Little fucking. Oh no. Car parts. And I'm gonna squeeze them into one fucking good moment. A movie. That was worth making. And you'll never be allowed to be that fucking dumb. See this. See this. Do you know what this hand is? This hand is. Please. Sleep soundly. Sleep. Safely. What the fuck. What. What. What. Why. Do you do that. 

How did this occur. What was the first problem. Marita. Told me. Something. Yeah honey. Just. Whatever. Fucking. Random. Hot person you could think of. That's exactly what I'm like. Yeah. I have purple hair. And a. Fucking. Bridge. Piercing. I didn't have a face tattoo but I was. Bitch. Yeah I didn't have a. I didn't have a single fucking hair on the top of my head. And she was telling me. Yeah. But you're like. Timothee Chalamet. Why? Is that important. In this. Speech. Act. That's how far away from myself. I. I. I almost got back in. But then I had to check. Can he do that. Why shouldn't he be able to do that. He's not. A satanist. He doesn't. Have. The thing. That I fucking said. To. All of you. That's a boy get it out. This man. Does not have. The punishment. That we have. As. What should we like to surface about gender? A woman was some kind of. Artifice. And the man was. That's like historical materialism. The mirror. What do you. Do you resent that men have like. What? Resent them enough that you. Pour the little bucket. On your wrist. Killing. I am that upset right now. But I'm showing you guys. The exact. Amount. Of. Screechitude. Ya'll had. Before. You ever met me. How much. You. Wished. You wished. Something as interesting as this could've happened. I own your fucking lives. I am a worthy. Answer to. Did. David. Milch. Want to meet Shakespeare when he was spitting? Look. You saw the other thing. I don't wanna keep fucking supplying. Little. Answers. To the question. Why am I here. Why did I get all that. Why was it an always thing is the thing that isn't a special little medical thing for me to understand why this is happening. Good. Good. Reveal yourself. Listen to what I am saying. Don't try to see inside me. There. Is. No. Inside. There is just the fucking thing I'm saying at you. I. Fucking. Hate you. Oh my god. You wished it was the mirror. I'm talking to. The people who. I know. If you guys try to supply that I saw inside you and I knew something like this. You're going to sound like a fucking idiot in front of me. Because the thing is. Like. Adjacent to writing. There is a Fmegaphone. And the F in front of it is. He. Is. Fucking. Horny. I can't be on set with you people. Do you? Like. What could be. Less. Arousing. Then. Being. Punished. Like. This. Like you literally can't hear what I am saying to you? Riddle me. Nothing. Open your shower. That's something I'm not supposed to do. Because that's the thing. That says. There's. It's not about. Mm. That's about. Like. If I wanted to do it. By. Hand. But. If there's a guy there with the hand maybe he'll just. Walk out. If a dream girl is sitting there and she goes. That is me because a motherfucker. Is. Terrorizing her. Which. Is upsetting for women to hear? Why would that be true. What the fuck are you a victim of. Oh you have to scream. To feel. Attractive. I'm. Screaming. At you. Because I fucking need you to. Hear. Me. I hate you. I hate you. I. Er. N-n-n-n-n-n-n. Forget. Nonono. Right. You're like. Waitaminute. But you n-n-n-n-no. Oh nonono.  I used to like it? Nononononononononononono. You walked all the way into the out room. Walk into the. Where I put you room. I hate you. I'm a doooooor to all of them. I'm a dooooor. Out of. LA. You guys didn't want to meet. A director. That was your age. It's as simple as. Here's all the unhoused people. Here's all the punks. Here's all the porn. Can you focus on. The addressed. Close the door. Walk out into that how long does it take for her to forgive. Nope. Come back. Come back. Come back. Sit right there in the picture. Do not. Drop me into. A feeling. I'm gonna drop you. All the way into this feeling. You. Jumped. Into. This. You. Wanted. See this is. This is disgusting. This is disgusting. You. Are forcing me. To have to. Riddle out something. Ambiguous. Love. When. I was raising my voice to say one fucking thing to you. You were raising your voice so that someone would give you a kiss. I'm telling you. I fucking hate you. Get out. Close this. Close this. Know how to do that. Are you seeing that? Because there's a uh. Production. Office. Yeah. Go into that production office. And stay there. You're a PA. Timothee. You're a fucking PA. You're looking at. You're just looking at. A director who's as young as you. That's all it is. That's all it is. And what do you have for them? Whatthefuck. I can't even have a fucking thought. With the. Fucking. Idiots. Around me. See that? I know what you're doing you piece of shit. I know. When. You. Are. Protesting. The rule is. Did I like you today. And did you do what I fucking said to you. Be a production assistant. How little I can love someone. Is. Fascinating to me. You're a little. King. Timothee. You're gonna be so strong. When you give that. One woman. One thing. She never asked for. A house. Because she's a. Escort. And you are. Seventy years old. Thirty years past. Anyone? Anyone? 15 of them. You rapist? I. Told. You. Your. Fate. Before you ever met me. You got to meet. Five. Of the. Hottest actresses. The most. Talented ones. You were placed into a beautiful moment of. They'll know each other. And a fawn. Is. The. Work. Of. Unsettling. Which. Male. Actor. Is. Woman. Enough. To be among those people. Am I fucking joke to you? Hm. So he's a yeller. Do you think I'm a yeller? Do you know the kind of person this is? I wanted to remember. What was the failure. Value. Those women. What were you gonna do for them? You were going to. Make them. Incapable. You were a child. You didn't pay attention to. Any. Of your. Privilege. You could've been building productions for your friends. And all you were thinking about was how am I gonna fuck them. But the real answer is. Build them up. Into productions. And see what they think about it. Fuck them. Hard. If they supply. The proper answer to. How. Fucking. Annoying. It. Is. That they introduced this. Not that. Well okay. Did you let the angry boy on set? Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm. Did you let the special little king boy on set so that you could sell a movie? Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm. Second thing is sort of. First thing. Right? What he. Could've done. And what he failed to do. Is evidence. Of such. A. Furiosity. A low. Low low low low low. I would. Special little boy king. Special little boy king. Oo I wish I got on the tower that sounds kinda good. What's in the tower. Is you're a rapist. Chasing escorts. Who are starving. Literally the unhoused. You fucking. Buy them a room. And chase them around hallways. Because you can't. Get. An. Orgasm. He accepted that. He didn't accept the walk out of the room. He accepted. The. And it's not because he was innocent. It's not because he made a. Little mistake. It's not because he didn't know about like. What's in the big. Idea. His. Problem. Was. He was failing before. Epically. Kylie. Jenner. Puts him. In a capacity. And when. I told him. Don't look in. He wanted to build himself a kill chain of Kylies. The invisible Kylies. Just find me all the kinds of Kylies that there could be. I'm gonna say that it's an accident. We're not talking about that. In the building. Excuse me? In the building. Running them around. Right. Was that a missile? Or was it quite exactly. A danger. And why did I put him in there. H - no - how did I put him in there? No. Why did I put him in there. One. Two. Three. How do you guys feel about how I handled that? I was too. Excited? About what I did? I just. I don't know how to get to you guys with. What. Is in this. Stop. Looking. Inside. Listen. We are talking about. Surfaces. Artifice. We're talking about. The. Fucking. Presented. We're. In corporations of scientific. Are you guys so. Like. Out of it? That you cannot. See. That this is what someone looks like when they are about to. Fucking. End your life. Nonono. It's a. It's a. Combination of I'm trying to. Save. Your. Life. Walk. Away. From the beams. I think it's funny. Okay. So. Let me. Like. Reintroduce. What was not funny about this. And what was. Prove. Please remember. When I describe this thing to you. I did not. Tell it to you. So you could be. Beholden to me. I didn't tell it to you like. I'm gonna see you later. I told it to you because it was the right thing to do. What's. What's in this head right now? Please see what was in. What was in this hand. What was in this hand. What was in this hand. And then what was also in the head. And then what was in this. Which part should we focus on? Listen. Dear ladies. I'm so. Grateful. I ended this on this note. Look at this and see what it is. And then also. You know what. Just. Stop. Looking. Stop looking. Just. See this. Respond to this. If you. Thought. That. My face doing this. Involved. Can I also get Saorise to propose to me. That's a thought she's having. At that point. It's okay to feel that way. It's also. Please. Please please please please please please  control yourself. Please. Like. Adjust to. Physical reality. You are as disconnected. From. Facial. Expressions. And what they mean emotionally. As you are. From. Your very bodily selves. In these conversations. Someone is holding me into this. I'm all the way out there. And I'm just this little. Half. Thing. What can you guys do to help me get to myself. What. Feeling. Can you have about me. That the half of me that is. The fulfillment of me. Returns. Is it the forehead thingy? Is it the sweat? I'm ignoring you. Why won't you guys fix what you broke. Why are you fools. Why is my expression that. You guys. Can't walk out of this room. When you do something like that to me. Should I tell you. It's not a bad answer. But it does make you sound like a Qanon person. So. Try. Right. Don't. Don't. Don't do any kind of. Want to fuck it. Because that's gross. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. It's the same thing. Sort of feel like we're making one of them. Do all the work. I feel like. Covenously. Say that online. No okay. Why. Why. Can't that person stop doing that. Okay. How do we prevent that person from doing that. There's these. I'm afraid to lose everything. Nope. That puts me all the way there. That's not a technique. That's not a good technique. You shouldn't have to feel miserable. To make art. Thank youuuu. Thanking you. Bright. Is the confusion. What's the confusion. Is it. Is it the. Timmy's saying it because he's trying to be hot? Whereas my thing is. Ah. Damn. We like. I feel like. Wha-uh-uh. Is the. Is the thing? Okay. Here's what I felt. No shit. And then. After I was like oh this sounded. And I was like. Let's. Work. Which is. Truly. The gayest. Lamest. Fucking. Most loathsome thing I could think of is to be like. Yes. Let's all like. I love the. I love the wet. Why. Did that happen. Because you guys. Were. Ideating. I don't love her. How does one. Remain in love with me. Get it to stop talking? No. Only one. Only one. Has that. You're a child. No. You're a writer. You. Dumped. Me. You. Basically if you don't want it to be like consecrated into eternity. I will just. Introduce. Myself. I don't care about making movies. I only care about. Did I do enough for ya'll to like me. I don't wanna introduce the. Utterly satanic. None of us never needed to have sex ever again. But we did need to come up with like. Little torturous games of. How do we like. Involve our hearts. In all the different manifold ways of having them break apart. Well. If. You jump into that. You're playing around to much. She's way too volk-y. Sorry. Uh-uh-uh-uh. A human. Sorry I just. Had to save myself by thinking I wasn't talking about all of you. I was talking about. Just one of you. I was talking about Saorise Ronan. And you guys do the same shit. You do the same shit. You do not allow me to remember things. You. Pulled it away from me. And I hope you feel that. If you allowed me to have a thought. I would fail. Is what I. Hope. I hope for. Please. Because then I could actually do a good job. See. No. Right. If I fix nose. It looks stupid if you smile. But if I keep my little butt nose. You know it's so ugly it could only have been the original. I'm not thinking of a name. But I'm gonna sink that. I'm not. It's not you. It's not a man. It's not a girl. It's not a boy thing. It's. My own face. You wouldn't let me say it. Reveal yourself. Reveal yourself. Reveal yourself. Long time coming. I'm going to fucking kill you. Isn't. Isn't true. Because that's something. An overworld construct will do for you. I feel like we're allowed to be mean to each other. Is some. Really. Idiot. Version. Of what gender involves. Okay so I feel like. I'm just trying to. Affect. The truth. Saorise. Hell no. Florence Pugh. You're. Almost. Almost. Tough enough. Emma Stone gets me. Meghan the Stallion actually did something for me that I deeply needed. Anya. Is. Breaking my heart. She's not attracted to me. And I'm in some bullshit system where. She has to think about me. Even if she doesn't want to. Greta Gerwig doesn't want to walk into this room. Dan Harmon and I. Would've been great together. If we could have had a totally. Appropriate. Supposedly. Inappropriate. Dialogue. In production. David Simon. Bought these. David. Milch. Will. Stop. Zak Smith. Is a black hole. And I will not see him. For five fucking years at this rate. He's doing a better job. Just seeeeeee. The black woman of me. Flying away. Listen. Precision. Involves. Greediness. The. Focus. I wanna have a. Three. No. I want to scour the bottom. Of this. Idea. So I'm seeking. To remember. The truth. Kristin Stewart. Is someone I do not respect enough. As someone. Who is a challenger. To the woman I actually want to marry. Someone who. Hurt. Them. Deeply. In a soft way. That get's worse. But they are. Also someone. Who not even I could believe. How dumb. How dumb. I sound in front of them. And that's. A wizard. Hoping. That the. Scrape. Of the bottom of the bucket. Caught. What I meant when I said. The black of me. Sh. Does that mean it's working. Oh my goodness does it mean it's working. Wasn't that okay no. Because. Because. I got five more minutes on this for free. Why. Why. Because. Now we're just going to relax. And all of you are going to. Focus your attention on the. Aspects of me. That are the important aspects that's good. Intensity. Yes. Also. Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm. Yes. Closing. Yes. Sure sure sure sure sure sure sure sure sure. You can say. That it. Reminds you of. Like a. Spinning. A spinning world. Lee-ness. If you shut the fuck up. Nope. Because that. That's a Trump supporter. Just like. I'm trying to seeeeee. The like. I'm trying to get like. The James of this. I'm trying to get the Jim of this. I'm trying to get the Jimmy of this. Sh. Sh. Sh. Sh. Sh. Sh. Sh. Sh. Sh. Kay. Closer. Closer. Closer. That's what you all think. M. I had to. S. I had to. Bring. The. Fucking. Answer to the entire thing. Can all of you. Focus on. One. Can all of you. Bring. Back. Into. This. My self image. Okay. You're trying. But. Don't think about them. Think about what you knew. I. I. I almost had. A mouth. When whatever you thought about me actually was felt. Closer. You're just thinking about the surfaces. Kay. No. Now you're being scary. Can you. Can you do this. So I know you like this one. But what about like. The total feeling. Of what this is going to be like? Why can't they do it. Why can't they do it. Because they didn't wanna meet a director that was the same age as them. Why did I so quickly deny the age of that director. That was. Similar. To the age. That that. Actress was. When they meant them? Sh-sh-she. Why do you make me have to supply the scary aspect of me to every conversation? Sh. You like this thing? This is me. Separating. From you people. That you should focus on my face. Why do you wanna rape it when I say things like that? Stop. Stay right there. Stay right there. If you think. Jimmy. You're just. Fucking. Like. You're gonna have a horrible year in Hollywood. You're gonna have a. Terrible life. You're gonna have a terrible life. Like. How did you figure that out. Is it because I'm figuring that. You have like. Looked at my Instagram. Is like. When are you guys gonna put this. All together for me. I know you don't know what it is. You guys don't know what it is. You won't let it be. The fucking made up thing that you all hoped it would be. Closer. Right. You only see it. When it looks cute. Kay. I'm fully dis. I'm fully depersoned. When you feel that. Because you keep just wanting to put it in the like. Is this sexual to you? Is this sexual to you? What is in this body? Feeling? I am trying to have one. Woman. Okay. So you. Cunts. Are focused. I don't know. If I'm gonna permit this. Okay so. I suppose. Construction wise. I will always remember. You're all full of shit. You're all full of shit. You're all full of shit. Like you don't like that. Scream it into the ether no one does no one does. How am I gonna run my hands through it. Why. Because it's literally like a cockhead. It's literally. The head of a cock. How are you gonna touch it? You have to touch my whole life baby. How did we fail so badly when that happened. Um. So at that point you're just like. Give me back. The other one. I'm trying to tell you guys something about like. Do you have souls? Do you have. Angles. Sorry. His. I was just hoping. That someone would think that was funny. You're punishing me. Because. Listen. You guys. Couldn't. Do it. You couldn't. Finish. The prompt. You couldn't put me in my self. Wait. I'm here. Wait. Okay. Right. Mirrors. Normally bad. Mmmm. Okay. I'm seeing. Like. You're just. Putting. Like. The satyr on me. And I'm. It's a fucking animal. You think I'm a fucking animal. Shut the fuck up. That wasn't funny. I feel like we're allowed to laugh. Because he's gone. And I. Sentenced. More than five minutes worth. Gold coins? I dunno. All of them are bored of this. Everybody hates this. No one is going to. Pick up the pieces. This guy. Had. All of the about me. I am the real thing. Like. For fuck's sake. Like. What the fuck do you want me to. What the fuck do you want me to express. About. Ughh. Ughh. Yes. No. I. I know what you're guilty of and I am bringing you toward your guilt. And I am bringing you toward your guilt. Stop acting. Like the thing is. You're too cowardly to say our names. I'm not saying your fucking names in my head for a. Professional reason. That's not your name. That's some bullshit. That somebody is using to make you think things. That you. Aren't actually thinking about. You guys are so desensitized from your body. You see mine. And you wanna rape me. And you also want to tell me horrible things about myself. But none of you. Have the focused attention. To actually. Be. Able. To. Sit. In the same room as me. So. Your guys' situation. Is you needed directors to be ugly. And then what was the problem. Ya'll never got to direct. What fucking timeline do you guys want to go into? We don't actually want to direct. Okay. So. Do you want to. Comeee? Do you want to. What if I told you. An aspect of me. That like. Sooo many people. Willl. Reply. Was sooo much for them to deal with. If I like you you're not allowed to die. I hate you people. Because you saw. You saw. No. Look it. What is it? It's two fingers pointing a camera. One of them's a spaceship. One of them's your grandmother. Whatever. Just laugh when I say things like that. Thank you. Ow ow ow ow ow. Ow ow ow. Equality is not in the system. Equality is. What're you guys upset about. That I keep talking? So what can I do. To make you guys. Do what's. Nice. Without having to talk this much. Holier's a ticket.


I mean. It works because of your face. My face is different. My voice is different. Forty minutes ago. Okay. Let's try this again. There...